February 28, 2007

Salam dear viewers,
Here is a poem I wrote a while ago. I was just reading this poem and it made me realized many things about life, people... I hope you enjoy it..

To Live?...

To live is to struggle however; be patient for the reward lies in the afterlife....

To live is to be prepared for the temptation of this worldly enterprise....

To live is to follow the path of the prophet (pbuh) and his comrades...

To live is to know that you have to give, take, and sacrifice....

To live is to be able to give and take advice....

To live is to forgive and be able to compromise...

To live is to open your heart and socialize...

To live is to wonder how we grow from a stage to another so you can visualize....

To live is to fail but never give up for what falls must surly arise...

To live is to make the best out of the worst to let the world magnetize...

To live is a pressure when you are unguided so wake up to realize...

To live is to be able to daydream and fantasize...

To live is to picture your future and hope for the best that placed besides...

To live is to cry and feel pain that will make you stronger and centralize...

To live is to be able to laugh and share good memories with beautiful lives...

To live is catch enemies that look at you with wicked eyes...

To live is to breathe and fight diseases and stay alive...

To live is to see people faces, but we always forget to memorize...

To live is to spread peace and knowledge to every ones minds..

February 23, 2007

سبحان الله

هذه اللقطة من منطقة المقرن بالعاصمة السودانية الخرطوم و هي مكان لقاء النيلين حيث يتميز كل واحد بلون يختلف عن الآخرو تشاهد رغم امتزاج مياه النيلين إلا أن كل نهر محتفظ بلونه
طبعاً النيل الأزرق في اليمين و الأبيض في اليسار و يجتمعان ليصبان في الدلتا بمصر

قال تعالى ( مرج البحرين يلتقيان* بينهما برزخ لا يبغيان* فبأي آلاء ربكما تكذبان